Neptune Room
March 21, 2020

11:15 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.

A Privacy First, Open Source, JavaScript SDK

Luca Cipriani

 Luca started with DevOps, and then studying Frontend Development. CI/CD Engineer at Userbase, CIO at Arduino


No more DB, no more Auth system, no more backend code to create secure, privacy-first applications. You can be GDPR compliant without worrying about users’data and enjoy writing your apps instead of dealing with authentication and signups. At Userbase, we created an open-source SDK to manage users.

The really popular Daniel Vassallo @dvassallo and a small team of other developers created an open-source, scalable backend to host users information in a private and secure way. The whole API is just 12 endpoints and they can be called from a static page. The documentation is available at while the code is on GitHub:

Creating a new app with Signup/Login and multiple DB per user is a matter of a few minutes. No server-side code needed, it is really serverless, JAMStack development.